
Currently Subshell is not intended to be used as a standalone cli command. Therefore installation is not officially supported.

However, if you'd like to try it anyway, first install a recent version of the rust toolchain (follow instructions on, then execute:

$ cargo install --locked subshell

and start it from command line:

$ subshell
Subshell 0.1.2
exit using ctrl+d or close()

When started without an --eval-file option, it just behaves like Deno.

You may want to load the init script:

$ subshell repl --unstable --compat --eval-file=

 ____        _         _          _ _    __
/ ___| _   _| |__  ___| |__   ___| | |   \ \
\___ \| | | | '_ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \ | |    \ \
 ___) | |_| | |_) \__ \ | | |  __/ | |    / / _____
|____/ \__,_|_.__/|___/_| |_|\___|_|_|   /_/ |_____|

🦕 Deno 1.23.0
📗 Wiki
🙋 Issues

🔗 RPC Provider: wss://
   Custom types: None
   api is initializing. Please hold on...
   api has been injected into the global object.
   Connecting to the Polkadot.js browser wallet extension...
🔴 Polkadot.js extension is not properly setup.
   Please install, enable, and add to it at least one keypair to explore all features of Subshell.

💡 Now you can start exploring the Polkadot.js api in this Deno repl environment! For example:

💁 check if the api is indeed connected:

     > api.isConnected

👉 If it is your first time using Subshell, click the ❔ icon at the top-right corner of the screen

Subshell 0.1.2
exit using ctrl+d or close()

Just keep in mind that Subshell won't be able to connect to a remote signer when started from a local terminal.

Please access it from the web ui:

If you want to start the ui locally, visit Development guide